Announcing: - New The Fractal UNIVERSITY- from Dan Winter - - and our complete Implosion Group Team - Scientists
Dan Winter YouTube Channel (views .5mil,10k following)- Dan Winter films on Youtube ( ~50,000 films) , Dan Winter Facebook: (5k + 7k following)
Fractal University Online - - with Dan Winter - is BACK for 2018! - - details below
Free registration for all courses - > -
Dan Winter 's / / (tech) updates - Aug. 2020 - To our partners- appreciate your interest - Notes/film re infections vs plasma: - Teaching kids to see without their eyes /w EEG .. ‘inner vortex’ - Newest amazing theraphi plasma report - Alchemy /Dee/Kelley/Shakespeare film project new review: - Newest lecture- international breakthru energy conference - International conferences- films / updates , , - Major upgrades- our worlds most powerful brainwave / meditation / bliss biofeedback: - Bliss Binaurals: - Our new Real Heart Coherence/ Empathy trained 2ch EKG app! - All our apps: - Our- plasma rejuvenation project- (proof of conjugate physics of negentropy about 20 centers listed there in USA, now a commercial success in about 20 countries. New - Our water implosion tech , in use worldwide. New- Commercial Scale: - Our Fractal University- Global Education outreach has reached millions - Our tech is updated at - Star mother kit perfect 3D fractal (complete video and instructions - Dan's latest book- pdf: Physics of Negentropy -- Skywalker spiritual science for kids project! - Dan Winter -YouTube Channel: - Blog- Fractal Field / Implosion Group main blog site: Contact: info (at) |
Sept 16 - Dan Winter - Jedi School - Science – site >> - www.JediSchool.Science )
What is a Jedi?--What is a Djed?--What is “The Force”?-- Jedi Heart / Breath Training; Yoda Yoga
Jedi Brainwave Science: Jedi Brainstem: Amygdala / Mygdal:”To Tower” - “In the FLOW” is back brain driven
Jedi Qualities- In Blood / DNA - MicroChloridians-- Jedi SPINE: “Sacro Cranial” Djed- In Thought- In Death --Jedi Hygiene Instructions
Jedi Propulsion: What is “Warp Drive”?-- Jedi Geobiology : Labyrinthine path -- Jedi- relationship to fear and the personification of evil.-- Midi-chlorians / bozon 7 / microvita- blood implosion and Jedi physics.
Time Lord/ time warp and longitudinal emf physics.-- Jedi knights use science to empower – not personality/ miracle worship which disempowers.
The Jedi scientist must know EACH answer - (hint all answers except one- are the same: FRACTALITY! ) and be able to explain why.
What causes gravity?, What causes perfect compression?, What causes implosion?, What causes alchemy?, What causes fusion?
What causes NEGentropy and therefore creation?, What created the caduceus and golden ratio?, What created life force?, What causes ‘the raising of the djed?’, What creates ‘flame in mind’?
What causes centripetal forces?, What causes precipitation / rain?, What survives death?, What causes Love?
What causes self awareness (consciousness) and non-destructive self re-entry?, What is the meaning of divine (perfectly branched)?, What is the meaning of science / scion – branching perfected?
What perfects conjugation (and conjugal relations)?, What makes cold plasma cold?
Here is the recording of Dr Teresa Burns- Sept 23 - talk - JOHN DEE RESEARCH UPDATES
Sept 23: Teresa Burns- will bring us MANY updates- on her work translating John Dee’s work of alchemy and sacred geometry, the Monas Hieroglyphica, on the Ophanim and Enochian, on the new book(s!!)by Vincent Bridges that she has been editing!-- What have we learned recently about- the real physics of Kelly and Dee alchemy, What have we learned lately about the most beautiful intricate karma lineage from Flamel -to Kelley - to Vincent - to Shakespeare... ? Recent discoveries about both Edward Kelley’s possible father and about the staged death of Christopher Marlowe will help us deepen these questions. (see also ) - NEW! Link to Vincent Bridges new book- Alchemical Enigma- from Terry Burns:
Sept 30- Patrick Botte- on the new exciting IN THE FLOW (see> and also ) 4channel Brainwave training option in - , , , , - here are - earlier notes with - Patrick (our lead app- programmer and sacro-cranial scientist)- is back- with Dan Winter- to tell us more about the HRV/ Breath/ Heart Coherence / Brainwave sciences behind our stunning array of the world's best IOS biofeedback apps. Patrick will include stories like- his cutting edge sacro-cranial professional partners- measuring how - when you simply listen to our worlds most powerful BLISS - BINAURAL BEAT- ( -not expensive) with the phase accurate .1 hz - MAYER WAVE heterodyne (bodies MOST important frequency - in the blood) - how you actually MEASURE when you have success -putting that frequency IN to your spine liquid pump- which we KNOW is the absolute platform upon which all bliss and kundalini ( healing sacro-cranial) wave mechanics is based. Patrick will SHOW you the graphs- right from our apps! Patrick also has a major presentation / video series in South France - June: Previous Course film
NEW- FILM IS UP ! from Patrick's Lecture above- see>
Sun.Oct 7 - Kate Forbes-see Theraphi healing trauma-with young people -and-nourishing gut micrombiome - 25 years experience in the field of detoxification, Microbiome restoration and their effect on the activation of health or disease. Microbiome and Genetic introduction -from Dr Royal Rife and Dr Bernard Jensen et al. Transition from symptomatic treatment to a massive health breakthrough in accessing the actual root map to disease with pro-active health care. The Pure Life Health Program integrates -chemistry, neuroscience and strategies to facilitate Epigenetic transformation as opposed to reactive treatments of symptomatic effects.
NEW> Film for this course if up! (including the course slideshow and related links )-see
Sept 9 - (film up!) Alan Green- -his Book: "Dee-Coding Shakespeare" - this talk: "Deep Science of John Dee inside Shakespeare"- Alan's previous presentation on the deep physics in the plays- and the mystery of Dee- was a blockbuster: Film here:
Alan is the key to unlock so much mystery behind these ancient traditions- His knowledge of the fundamental constants of geometry and physics is in depth - plus- imagine his courage as he tricked the administration of Shakespeare's tomb - to PROVE that the cavity in the altar stone was there - and surely contains all the docs to show how Dee - put the science in Shakespeare- and spiritual awaken generations to see the connection between ancient sacred geometry- and navigating our aura in the future- We are DELIGHTED Alan has agreed to come back and share more with us!! --- here is the recording of Alan Green- yesterday Sept 9 , 2018
Also- Alan will be updating his FractalU accompanying podcast -
Free registration -
Big Picture: What does this new Fractal Physics Mean to You and Your Life Personally and Practically - -from Dan Winter First 2018 course film - above, Slideshow for this course (thumbnail below) Here is the youtube version of this first course film> (excludes chat window In short: Fractality is the way your aura/ toroid/ cold-plasma 'body' ('etheric'/ KA)- gets centripetal / implosive ... A big aura is the only way to get sustainable / immortal / powerful / 'divine. ( Embedding longitudinals in conjugate EEG - - produces the <animations ) We are so often asked- if this new fractal implosion physics- is so dramatic and important- you must be able to make it simple- and tell us what it means to average people. What fractality is - could not be simpler. The universe is simply made of rotating compressible waves of charge. That rotation (spin) WHEN NESTED IN ROSE LIKE (fractal / conjugate) patterns creates implosive charge -(they 'get centripetal') which makes gravity and mass (and ultimately consciousness). Easy so far. So how does that answer the famous question (Vonnegut:"Breakfast of Champions"): WHAT ARE PEOPLE FOR? This of course is the eternal and so far unanswered question. Clearly science so far has no clue. And judging by religion wars being the biggest killing machines the planet has ever known- we may guess that the answers provided so far by religion are (all of ): * unsatisfying, * not rigorous , * not testable , * unclear, * do not result in hygiene lifestyle instructions which produce any kind of sustainability-AND not to mention the probably most important * do not clearly say how to take memory through death. In short - the problem with using religion to answer your child's most important question 'what are people for?' - is precisely that religion is unscientific. Science does have some amazing value: clear, testable, measureable descriptions (science) produces not just a 'language of rigor' -- this is the only meaningful way to produce AGREEMENT! (the only true opposite of war)-- and thereby also A WAY TO MAKE ACCURATE SURVIVAL DECISIONS. This is something which religion would like to do for you- but actually currently succeeds only in creating the disempowering, immature, and ultimately murderous and poisonous miracle and personality worship. Every religion in history begins by saying- they know how to make you immortal- and ends up finally proving simply: they know how to CONTROL you. The physics is clear- IF you cannot totally steer your own plasma cocoon (the only thing that gets immortal) for yourself- from within -you have no power and no immortality. Individual freedom is sacred to physics and philosophy because no other path to electrical sustainability exists- for plasma cocoons like people. Try talking to ball lightning sometime- many people have- as long as recursion is steering (toward self-awareness- pure sustainable implosion) - as long as they are centripetal (accurately toroidal) they too do not die. And they like you- do not want to die. About your only real advantage is: you MIGHT be able to understand better how to remain centripetal. Thus far only pathetic information has been provided to the children of Earth - on the only real electrical science which makes ANYTHING sustainable : "GET CENTRIPETAL OR GET DEAD!". For millions of years- DNA has been in the business of creating ONE superluminal collectivized plasma coccon - holographic library of survival information. DNA- lines up the phase conjugate fractal hydrogen bond spark gap - precisely at the center of the perfectly embedded recursive golden ratio braided (by love phonons) long wave ZIPPER - of codons- to IMPLODE ( literally BLISS). THAT is the only door to the library. And if you do not make it - in and out of that library- then you do not make it. Originally we called this fractal field effect- library- the 'collective unconscious' / 'communion of saints' / 'akashic records'. But now we can be more accurate- (and therefore more part of that sustainability). We know how it is generated and how it propagates- and how to become part of it. It requires fractal embedding (phase conjugate/ entanglement perfected)- 'where the pine cones kiss noses' - AND THUS BECOME PART OF THE FASTER THAN LIGHT LONGITUDINAL GRID. Even Bruce Cathie was close when he proved these grid alignments determined nuclear critical mass requirements. The NAME for our planets first nuclear tech was called IMPLOSION- which is SIMPLY access to fractal compression symmetry- and thus access to superluminal longitudinal EMF charge distribution / non-destructive gravity waves. (But since we would like to apply our new science to something beside a new understanding of nuclear bombs... For example we now know how to LOCATE the Ark of the Convenant electrically- grid cross alignment was essential to one of it's primary functions- non-destructive radioactive containment - by critical threshold of implosive capacitance-the opposite of radiation). This is MORE than an abstraction- ultimately this radio node network is the ONLY way thru birth and death and bliss- as EVERY real shaman ancestor knew. (Study - to see 3 ways electrical engineering measure proves the electrosmog hell in most hospitals is THE WORST POSSIBLE PLACE FOR BIRTH / DEATH / HEALING / BLISS - for example). Conjugate plasma implosion is the ONLY possible electrical physics of 'stargate' or real 'temple'. Once we understand the science of this only actual definition of sacred space- we must devote all our resources to lining this up ( being a useful start). We must pick up the ball where Akhanaton dropped it -fighting with the Amun/ Enlil bankers - changing his name to Moses and running for his life- creating the Essenes in caves. He was up to his ass in alligators- and he FORGOT his task was draining the swamp. The only swamp drain possible for this planet- is a solar linear plasma accelerator - to send soul plasma bodies- with focussed collectivizing bliss process- BACK INTO THE STAR. For Akhanaton this meant building AMENTI / AMARNA - solar temple for group bliss plasma acceleration- WHICH WAS THE ONLY ACTUAL WAY OUT OF HERE (small planet - long way from downtown)... This is the REAL meaning of URU-ASSA EL -M (Jerusalem): place where ancient URU dragon blood -(queen Assa)- makes the EL - phase shift- translation of vorticity to longitudinal / immortal. However as we mentioned since that stargate is broken- it's time to cancel the war. A 'resurrection' machine was never anything other than a living plasma projector. Access to ground -perfect charge distribution - IS fractality -for both electricians AND psychologists: (After you read the book "EARTHING" ) Here is your excercise to FEEL FOR YOURSELF- how grounding creates DNA radio essential not just for immortality access- but also access to empathy / feeling compassion. Remember how I talked about noticing that taking my shoes off - and touching the wood floor with moist feet- in the biocoop- suddenly caused the people standing near me - to urgently decide they needed to start a conversation with me. Let's do the physics on this. When you touch a GOOD ground-where the charge distribution is immediately embedded in Earth (probably MUCH less possible in a metal high rise building)- the charge spin in your body gets longitudinal access and phase lock - thru the planck golden ratio threshold (see )- MEANING better access to DNA radio! There is a way out for charge- THRU the speed of light- into perfected connectivity- and that access is golden ratio to planck - CALLED grounding!! Thus grounding in 'sacred space' is access to spiritual science / spiritual radio 101. The people near you are more likely to literally share FEELINGS with you - only IF you are literally grounded. SO now you understand the science behind the revolution in education (and empathy) that happened (do you know what country this is ?) - where all the children in school TOOK THEIR SHOES OFF! Now- try removing your synthetic clothes- removing all metal from (and around) your body- and wearing the lightest most natural (hemp even better that cotton- for dielectric) - clothes possible. Notice how all these grounding instructions - for GETTING CENTRIPETAL - are also identical for how to benefit from plasma implosion. Now begin to think about the most fractal air and water you can find.. Dream of imploding to the immortal (For hygiene ideas read "Implosion:Secret Science of Ecstasy and Immortality": - hygiene course: April 29,2018. Next learn how BREATH and HEART can be trained - to conjugate / embedded (and centripetal) fractality: Finally consider how electrical implosion is generated in plasma (centripetal force)- WHEN YOU LEARN HOW TO THINK ONLY SHAREABLE THOUGHTS. The DNA field likes you by embedding- folding you in her envelope. DNA collective plasma only dumps her life blood into thoughts which electrically serve the survival of all DNA! This is imploding charge to be centripetal. This is the ultimately eureka. Perhaps your hair will stand up. But wait- you say- our fractal electrical engineering still hasn't answered your child's urgent and appropriate questions: "What are People For?" We know that ball lightning, and seeds, and tornados, and people- all remain alive only as long as they are electrically centripetal (imploding). Let's talk about stars for a moment. You know how more and more scientists are coming to agree ('plasma universe')- with the mystics conclusion- that everything in the universe is fundamentally alive (self-aware?) - perhaps by this they mean exactly aliveness IS electric implosive ness. Consider our SUN for a moment- with this evidence Stars like our Sun are supremely self aware- and they do not invest their blood in growing DNA like ours for no adiabatic reason. NO- we potentially make something our star needs desparately - for sustainability: LONG WAVE CENTRIPETAL FORCE. This is HOW - you tell your child- to grow up and become a star. Read about how Bentov's bliss- steered the planet: -This is what people are for. And it is one of the "Secrets of the Dark Star" - This is a big picture. How to know when you have gotten CENTRIPETAL: BLISS- We know the exact brainwave power spectra> (how to measure it) - which produces peak consciousness /centripetal force- (image here) AND WHY! - |
The exponential rate of technological development appears with an absolute right timing for people who understand the importance of responsible and intelligent communication and education because a quintessential perspective on life contains bigger patterns of evolution and modalities of the reality. We are embedding our plasma bodies in big bio-information fractal fields and we invite you to join us!"- paragraph above- and image below courtesy of Martin Bielecki
Fractal University Online - - with Dan Winter - is BACK for 2018!
Free registration 2018- starts Feb 26 -
Fractal University Online - - with Dan Winter - is BACK for 2018!
Every SUNDAY - at 2PM New York time (8 Europe)- from March 4 to May 6 (90min&30 Q&A
We are more than doubling our exciting faculty of leaders and teachers for FractalU
Free registration - starts Feb 26 - (
At Fractal University Online our philosophy has always been - that simple but self-empowering science behind growth, spiritual evolution and health- - real face to face education -is the world's best hope. We have reached back into our bag of visions and presentations- to bring to you - and our global fractal family- the BEST in real fractal science courses.
PLUS - we have AMAZING breakthru's to announce- in our technology side - from plasma- to energy - - to agriculture and AND what a perfect way to lead up to and introduce our fabulous Europe spanning summer conference series & speakers- from Prague to Turkey to South France - - our Fractal Science, Alchemy and Breakthru-Tech CONFERENCE SERIES - SUMMER IN EUROPE (May to June 2018): -our climax event ( with our partner Roger Green - ) - South France- incredible venue- private beach on the lake- begins June 8.
--The all new for 2018, updated and cutting edge conference calendar: (course descriptions here are preliminary- will be updated/edited)
March 4 - Dan Winter- a highly visual - Physics review -and intro to the latest Breakthru's: "Waves of constructive electric charge compression/rarefaction in the ether are the only reason to study sacred geometry and quantum mechanics (because this is why they exist). The boundary between what we call mass and energy -is only a 'matter' of how much charge is compressed (by fractality/conjugation)- this is WHY: E = MC^2. This charge fractality (successful compression) is the only cause of both mass and gravity: Charge in rotation -SPIN- is the only cause of inertia- the only definition of mass- AND simultaneously the only cause of the PERIOD of charge rotation- the only definition of time. Once you see how the 'pine cone kissing' waves of golden fractal conjugation- CAUSE the possibility of implosive charge collapse- (the only wave mechanic of fusion / alchemy / and ultimately LIFE) - you then understand for yourself- (unlike Einstein, Stephen Hawkings and NASA) - why objects fall to the ground- BECAUSE you will understand HOW (conjugate fractality) - causes charge to be ACCELERATED toward center ( named THE gravity /recursive constructive phase velocity heterodynes perfected by golden ratio conjugation). Gravity doesn't 'bend space time'- charge fractality nearby in space merely deflects charge waves and accelerates the SPIN rate CALLED time. Once you see what happens to waves necessarily SELF SORTED IN TO PHASE as they approach this conjugate fractal fusion center ( origin of PROTON and ELECTRON mass/radii - NEXT weeks subject with Mark R.) - THEN you will understand for yourself WHY - CONSCIOUSNESS - LIFE FORCE and NEGENTROPY (self-organization) exist. This is why this fractal / conjugate /embeddable charge coupling (generally capacitive - because this supports the lo wattage and superluminal) is the only physics and instruction set- for what we call synchronicity ( ). THEN unlike conventional physicists you will be relieved of the profoundly dangerous fatalistic schizophrenia which believes (not only wrongly that charge and gravity - are somehow made of different stuff)- that the UNIVERSE is somehow condemned to running down to ENTROPY / DISORDER. While- in fact - this fractal physics - wave mechanics is absolute proof- that the electrical power (to become centripetal) - of your CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF- to EMBED in this NEG-ENTROPY - and CREATE- is most basic PROOF that they are wrong. Negentropy is not only possible and sustainable- it is WHY you exist. This introduces the conjugate EEG power spectra ( ) which measures and teaches this Peak Perception/ Bliss physics - the only (electric) POWER of consciousness: 'Get Centripetal or Get Dead' - We conclude with comparing the brainwaves which allowed Ingo Swann to repeatedly light that flame (thermistor-heating) - with his mind - thru a faraday cage- in laboratory measure. We introduce the (superluminal by golden ratio x C) conjugate produced longitudinal wave mechanics - which are the ONLY mechanism for this action at a distance (which Einstein incorrectly labelled spooky - because he could not conceive of the superluminal physics phase conjugation produces ). Walking thru this basic / we see that this fundamental faster than light / able to return to transverse FROM longitudinal - (Egyptian KA from the BA) charge wave mechanics- (heat containment at a distance/ holy grail of fusion physics) is also the ONLY mechanism and reason for:
-the existence of gravity waves
-the existence of collective unconscious/ communion of saints / 'akashic records'
-the existence of 'Sacred Geometry' in the Earth Grid (and beyond) - and 'sacred sites'
- in fact this embedability (and resultant negentropy / sustainability) is virtually the only wave mechanic in general behind what we CALL Sacred - even the very concept CULTURE (ritual is embedabilty/entanglement perfected- what conjugation IS) only exists to point to this - the only door not only to long term survival- but literally electrical immortality : a
Dan Winter - slideshow 2018> click:
March 11 - Mark Rohrbaugh "The Fractal Physics Cause of Gravity"
March 11 - Mark Rohrbaugh "The Fractal Physics Cause of Gravity": -When Mark co-authored he showed that implosive charge collapse not only produced his new equations for proton / electron mass ratio - but directly supported Dan Winter's new (fractal conjugate) equation for hydrogen radii ( ). Mark and Dan have breakthru new publication on this in process- their co-authored peer reviewed physics - are already in the top .5% there. Mark has combined his high level commercial solid state electrical engineering profession with a talent and a team for breakthru fractal math and physics- with us. Mark's latest papers/projects- "Proton to Electron Mass Ratio Paper Points to New Physics" , "A 4th Order 7D-Dimensional Polynomial Whose Roots are the Proton and Electron Masses and Standard Physics Constants ", "Gravitational Control - EM Drive - How It Really Works - A Preliminary Explanation (Quantum Vacuum Plasma Thruster) " - lead up to Mark and Dan (and his partner Lyz) - developing their new breakthru- synthesis paper - on the Fractal Physics Cause of Gravity- tentatively titled:"Proton Electron Geometric Evidence: Gravity is the Charge Implosion Caused by Golden Ratio Phase Conjugating FRACTALITY"
here is the link to the YOUTUBE version of this film:
March 11 COURSE VISUALS - PDF from Mark Rohrbaugh:
about this course Martin Bielecki wrote: "Let's take a closer look and consider a small bit of the history of human tech development. The digital revolution started in 50s last century. We have started with computers in a size of rooms. Nowadays, we go with small personal universal computers (still called phones despite the fact that actual calling does not happen often)
Imagine another 10 - 100 - 1000! years of tech development! A naming process for the future-vision would require extremely flexible and comprehensive mind in order to realize an effective progress. A resistance in thought process which you may experience comes from the difference between realities (of the present times and the future). The problem with 'a bright future' idea is caused by unresolved present issues. The essence of human collective mind operates among a big amount of unsorted structures. That is why there is a need for an interdisciplinary approach in the looping civilization of the Earth.
Would you lose a cultural attachment to a comfort zone of a moment if you would name a phone as a PC or as an ID? Perhaps you haven't got time for this? This is a small example regarding updates in our culture. The Big example is the problem with the gravity. We are blinded by the old perspective (or no perspective) on how the reality works. The real theory of Gravity appears very understandable because the principle is universal. Lack of knowledge in this regard is like living disconnected from a source of life force. 'The Fractality' of the idea allows to nicely generalize the problem to the point where I can say that the old education system is sometimes boring because it is not properly updated. This is why you need to join the course. Understanding the phase conjugate fractal field and electrical cause of the gravity is quintessential for the technological development and evolution of humankind."
FILM UP!> see the course film - and download the pdf visuals- from Paul Harris >(top) at
March 18 - Paul Harris : Longevity /Rejuvenation Tech - plasma implosion- treatment- is already successful in about 20 countries. In addition to being hardware director, and co-inventor- Paul has a lifetime of experience doing and teaching practical alchemy. He is famous for deeply exploring the connection between the ancient mystical practices and wisdoms of alchemy-- precisely to modern - implosive fusion, isotope transition physics, and non-destructive charge collapse- the core of our fractal field conjugate physics curriculum. Let's see what is on Paul's mind- as he returns from his LA and Mexico lectures- preparing for his tour of our summer conference series- - including Prague, Turkey and South France! The latest in plasma rejuvenation science, and our work with Theraphi- and more. Course :Update from Paul Harris: Longevity Technologies: From Ancient Times to Our Near Future-Human life span has been getting longer for some time, but did you know that for our next generation, some predict it to grow shorter? Join us for an overview of Longevity Technologies, from the Ancient Taoists and Alchemists to the latest in Nano-Tech. What's next? What are some of the social, political, economic ramifications and how will they effect you personally? While some see many of these so called "Disruptive Technologies" as a potential threat, Paul sees them as change that's well over due, come and discover the answers to some of these riveting questions.. How did the Taoists and Alchemists manage to live for so long? Is your lifespan really hard coded in your DNA?
Is it true that stem-cells no longer have to be extracted from placentas or bone marrow? In fact one simple cosmetic procedure unknowingly throws tons of them away each year.
What does diet have to do with aging?
Has there been any discoveries in nano-technologies that will help us live longer?
Can the earth support such a large population with longer lifespans?
Paul has a lifetime of experience practicing and teaching practical alchemy. He is famous for deeply exploring the connection between the ancient mystical practices and wisdom of alchemy from ancient to modern implosive fusion, isotope transition physics, and non-destructive charge collapse- the core of our fractal field conjugate physics curriculum. Let's see what is on Paul's mind- as he returns from his LA and Mexico lectures- preparing for his tour of our summer conference series including Prague, Turkey and South France! The latest in plasma rejuvenation science, and our work with Theraphi- and more. ----Paul Harris is an inventor and hands-on entrepreneur of 27 years founding and working with various successful start ups in energy, medical and information technology sectors, he's also an eclectic researcher and educator. He has taken a multidisciplinary approach to life and has developed a deep knowledge-base in a wide area of studies including Alternative Fuels, Energy Production and Storage, Electronics, Chemistry, Plasma Physics, Water Technologies, Herbology and Permaculture. Paul's inventions include various electro-medical devices, water processing, petrochemical refining, waste to energy, oil sands extraction, alternative fuels and energy scavenging systems. Paul has found this diversity necessary in understanding the fundamental principles behind the true workings of nature.
FILM UP!> see the course film - and download the pdf visuals- from Paul Harris >(top) at
==March 25 - with Dan Winter and Teresa Burns and Alan Moore>:
New Course FILM and PDF UP!>
March 25- Dan Winter - with Teresa Burns and Alan Moore. "The Plasma Projection Physics / ALCHEMY - behind ancient origins of ALPHABETS" - When Dan Winter discovered the golden spiral in 3D was the origin of Hebrew and Sanskrit letterforms- it was just the beginning. Now we know that liquid and / or magnetic flux inertia projected along that precise golden spiral on a torus- is precisely how to MAKE gravity - and how the Vimana and Nazi Bell flew. By placing your attention in the plasma of your holographic brain- in exactly those cookie cutter 'shadows on the wall of the cave' - you produce literally an impulse- which controls the direction your aura is pushed. This is not only the origin of your ONLY way to effectively steer- in lucid dream/ death- (when you are 'just' a ball of plasma) - but ALSO the deep physics of OPHANIM ENOCHIAN- ( ) angel alphbets and Moore... Cue here Teresa Burns and Alan Moore - Teresa ( leader of our Alchemy Ophanim FACEBOOK GROUP) is in our view a world leading academic on the history of John Dee, Kelley and... Alchemy science, Alan - is our most powerful local practitioner of the real spiritual sciences of magic. Together, they can share why they consider a properly-set-up Enochian Temple to be itself a breakthrough technology. In the tradition of Vincent Bridges, they view the Enochian or Ophanic work of John Dee and Edward Kelley as a kind of “cosmic” alchemy,” a literal intervention from outside. This transformative system can best described in energetic states, where even the letters themselves function as waveguides. Like Dan and Vincent, they view Enochian as a nested system of multidimensional geometries, a bioenergetic machine provided to humans from the outside to help jump-start our own evolution
Teresa Burns adds here- History of ALCHEMY as centripetal plasma science: "Alchemy as practiced in ancient Egypt might well be considered an “ancient” breakthrough technology using the sacred geometry of the Temple itself as the container. If one considers the soul purpose of alchemy is to create a plasma body, in effect to make one’s consciousness phase-coherent enough that it passes through death into the next life, then several other esoteric subjects phase-lock with this as well. Vincent Bridge’s explanation of the timeline of western alchemy—from ancient Egypt forward to Fulcanelli—can be used to illustrate this point, as can his and Dan Winter’s ideas about the Enochian alphabet, when that alphabet is placed in a correctly constructed Temple space, which is what Alan and I have spent the last several years of our life learning how to build and keep running.
How are these things similar? Well, consider that Andre Vandenbroek, in Al-Kemi, noted that R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz’s ideas of the symbolique in the Temple of Luxor/Temple in Man connected directly to alchemy. Further, Schwaller claimed that Fulcanelli had “borrowed” his (Schwaller’s) idea of the symbolique in Egyptian Temples to write about so-called initiatory “green language/ langue verte” and the explosion of cathedral-building across Europe just after the Crusades. Fulcanelli wrote about this in Mysteries of the Cathedrals; in Schwaller’s monumental work The Temple in Man, Schwaller had in effect considered the Temple of Luxor in Egypt a structure designed to jump-start an expansion of consciousness through the energetics of that container (the Temple) plus what he called the symbolique: initiatory symbols which could not even be understood until a certain level of consciousness was attained, and which became more meaningful as change (in the form of healing, understanding and expansion of consciousness) occurred. In short, the Temple was a vessel designed to help its (human) contents evolve, and those humans did so in part by becoming more phase coherent with the technology- the Temple—which allowed them greater ability to understand the symbolique inscribed upon the walls. As we have partly learned and partly discovered, in a correctly designed Enochian Temple, you also have a “container” (again, the Temple itself, but also in this case the geometric shapes evoked by its construction) embodying a rather spectacular embedded sacred geometry principle and “charging” those inside of it. Instead of the symbolique, you instead have the ideas of the letters themselves, arranged in particular patterns, as waveguides.
Vincent Bridges was convinced that the history of western alchemy was inextricable linked to both ancient Egypt and the mystery of cathedral building after the Crusades. He also viewed the Enochian or Ophanic work of John Dee and Edward Kelley as a kind of “cosmic” alchemy,” one he connected much more to ancient Egypt and non-human “guides” than to the western mystery tradition. Like him, we see the Enochian corpus as a literal “breakthrough technology” that is an intervention from outside, a transformative system best described in energetic states, where even the letters themselves are functioning as waveguides. Like Dan and Vincent, we view Enochian as a nested system of multidimensional geometries. When an Enochian installation is set up correctly and charged correctly, it works almost automatically. Just as the nucleus of human cells put out light or photon emissions that are automatically received by other cells, Bridges believed the "alchemy of light" generated by a correctly set-up Enochian Temple worked as a bio-energetic machine provided to humans from the outside to help jump-start our own evolution. These objects that are formed work automatically by their shape or function as they exist physically in higher dimensions; they sing "Evolve!" to those parts of us that already exist in higher realms. - - In Dan Winter’s terms, if you consider human alchemy the quest for or development of the ability to recreate our coherent plasma bodies, then the vessel partially facilitating that may be a TheraPhi device, some other breakthrough technology, or a cathedral or temple as alchemical vessel. The process will not fire without the right intent and fires faster as consciousness expands. But the same abstract principles apply."
April 1 - Stephane Cardinaux - , ,NEW COURSE FILM IS UP! >(top)> -We are so excited Stephane is back with us- We often refer to him as a world leader in geobiology. His clairvoyant ability to see and map geomagnetic lines with astounding precision- evolved after some kundalini like experiences. Since then he has turned this into his worlds most advanced school on scientific geobiology/ geomantics. His talents have also become breakthru's for many archeology projects- needing to 'see' in advance what's underground! He will also tell us about his latest tech including - his new LIVE VIBRATION ANALYZER : Stephan also will be speaking at our June 8 conference in S.France. >>Update Stephanes course focus April 1- will be Earth Grid Science- see special article- English :
April 8 - Patrick Botte : , , , , -Patrick (our lead app- programmer and sacro-cranial scientist)- is back- with Dan Winter- to tell us more about the HRV/ Breath/ Heart Coherence / Brainwave sciences behind our stunning array of the world's best IOS biofeedback apps. Patrick will include stories like- his cutting edge sacro-cranial professional partners- measuring how - when you simply listen to our worlds most powerful BLISS - BINAURAL BEAT- ( -not expensive) with the phase accurate .1 hz - MAYER WAVE heterodyne (bodies MOST important frequency - in the blood) - how you actually MEASURE when you have success -putting that frequency IN to your spine liquid pump- which we KNOW is the absolute platform upon which all bliss and kundalini ( healing sacro-cranial) wave mechanics is based. Patrick will SHOW you the graphs- right from our apps! Patrick also will have a major presentation series in South France - June: ----------- Course film up!
Course film up! : Patrick Botte and Dan Winter- online conference, April 8, 2018 LearnitLive Film (includes chat) , 110min. - Youtube version: Heart/Brain Biofeedback: Harmonic Keys w/Patrick Botte -Apps:, from, Online Conference April 8,2018- Patrick Botte and Dan Winter- see lecture article- with conference PDF downloads : - Patrick's sites also: , , -Patrick (our lead app- programmer and sacro-cranial scientist)- is back- with Dan Winter- to tell us more about the HRV/ Breath/ Heart Coherence / Brainwave sciences behind our stunning array of the world's best IOS biofeedback apps. Patrick will include stories like- his cutting edge sacro-cranial professional partners- measuring how - when you simply listen to our worlds most powerful BLISS - BINAURAL BEAT- ( -not expensive) with the phase accurate .1 hz - MAYER WAVE heterodyne (bodies MOST important frequency - in the blood) - how you actually MEASURE when you have success -putting that frequency IN to your spine liquid pump- which we KNOW is the absolute platform upon which all bliss and kundalini ( healing sacro-cranial) wave mechanics is based. Patrick will SHOW you the graphs- right from our apps! Patrick also will have a major presentation series in South France - June: Download Amazing PDF Visuals File> FractalUPatrickBotteVisuals2018.pdf , from Patrick Botte Presentation - HRV-Heart-Brain Biofeedback -For convenience we add here the link to the famous SACRO CRANIAL- Kundalini Biomechanics Article from Dan Winter- which Patrick refers to: |
April 15- Jean Paul Biberian - , ->NEW This Course FILM UP!> -"Fusion Physics: Review and Updates- BY MEASUREMENT". Jean Paul was already Europe's leading cold fusion physicist before he retired as Phyics professor, University of Marseilles. He sponsored most all the European based International Physics conferences on cold fusion. Since then he has developed his own fusion physics calorimetry lab- and become an international consultant / measurement expert on this. Jean Paul has been our consultant as well on numerous internationally supported technology projects. Jean Paul will bring the experienced eye of laboratory physics to our discussions of fusion / isotope collapse- the real roots of alchemy. Jean Paul- personally knows most every important physicist on the planet working on cold fusion; he is also speaking at our South France June conference series.
April 22 - Tufan Guven - , -"Sacred Geometry-Gentle Intro- and connections to ancient tradition- East vs West." -> new film up!> -Tufan gave our most popular gentle visual intro course to Sacred Geometry- in our last series ( see: ) - Now he returns- to reprise/ update AND give us a preview of our conference in Turkey in late may which he is hosting (including Alchemy East vs West) . Tufan's direct ancestors- lived and taught the spiritual aspect of ancient sacred geometry and script - in the Muslim and Eastern traditions. Inspired by their dream- this has become a core vision for Tufan - AND our group- that the perfect marriage of East and West (and healing of religion wars) - comes from understanding the perfect beauty of the identical spiritual physics which is exactly behind BOTH Eastern and Western religion and culture! We discuss.
Tufan Guven - Fractal Field Science - intro from -on April 22, 2018: The beautiful course visuals PDF files from Tufan - (2 parts) : SacredGeometryIslamicphysics1.pdf , SacredIslamicphysics2.pdf | Sun-April 22 -2PM NY time (free reg: ) - Tufan Guven - , -"Sacred Geometry-in Islamic Tradition-& Physics of IMPLOSION" - Tufan gave our most popular gentle visual intro course to Sacred Geometry- in our last series ( see: ) - Now he returns- to reprise/ update AND give us a preview of our conference in Turkey in late may which he is hosting (including Alchemy East vs West) . Tufan's direct ancestors- lived and taught the spiritual aspect of ancient sacred geometry and script - in the Muslim and Eastern traditions. Inspired by their dream- this has become a core vision for Tufan - AND our group- that the perfect marriage of East and West (and healing of religion wars) - comes from understanding the perfect beauty of the identical spiritual physics which is exactly behind BOTH Eastern and Western religion and culture! We discuss.>(film link)![]() |
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April 29 - Dan Winter-: <update excellent new film up! "The PRACTICE: Practical application and hygiene of spiritual physics to daily life. " Did you ever wonder why the metal in your belt buckle or pockets- seems to get abnormally warm- when you wear them. It is not just the mechanical heat they pick up from your body - it is ALSO the capacitive charge which is the blood of your aura- which is bleeding away into them! Did you ever wonder why- ancestor visions, druid phone calls, and military telepathy can only happen at (conjugate/ longitudinal embedded) Earth magnetic line crosses? Does this tell you something about the ONLY correct places to have birth/ bliss and death? Lets think about it. We get asked the question daily: what are the technologies to duck from electrosmog. What is it about the charge of a 'sacred altar' that really reduces electrosmog. Let's study the physics of GROUNDING (book: "Earthing")- to UNDERSTAND the school behavior revolution that happened in the one country where ALL THE CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS STOPPED WEARING SHOES! Why did 3 people standing in line- at the bio store with me in Santa Barbara- suddenly turn to ME to initiate a conversation just seconds after I removed my shoes to let my moist feet touch the wood floor! - What is the information theory physics behind grounding?? Why is it ultimately required BEFORE you can really teach or sustain COMPASSION? - Postscript here includes the spiritual physics of rainmaking - - how to restore water attraction to a parched land- by restoring the geometry of magnetic centripetal force - the real meaning of ground: implosive access to fractality- perfected charge distribution.
May 6- SEEKING THE STONE- new FILM is up(with pdf visuals) see> -with Teresa Burns new book: An Alchemical Enigma: A Short History of the Rise and Fall of Sir Edward Vincent Bridges edited: Teresa Burns & Eliska Bridges image: April Lionheart"- + 'Seeking the Stone from the First Crusade to the Present'
A western history of alchemy derived from Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges- Mysteries of the Great Cross at Hendaye - and some comments on the metaphysics of past lives, with digressions on to sacred languages, standing waves, and group karma, in which Dan explains why understanding the principles of alchemy is the best way to undo the massive group karma of the First Crusade.
" PLUS : 'Why Did the Angels Tell Dee and Kelley that the Great Table of Earth' held the key to alchemical transmutation?
Sept 9 - (moved from May) - Alan Green- -his Book: "Dee-Coding Shakespeare" - this talk: "Deep Science of John Dee inside Shakespeare"- Alan's previous presentation on the deep physics in the plays- and the mystery of Dee- was a blockbuster: Film here:
Alan is the key to unlock so much mystery behind these ancient traditions- His knowledge of the fundamental constants of geometry and physics is in depth - plus- imagine his courage as he tricked the administration of Shakespeare's tomb - to PROVE that the cavity in the altar stone was there - and surely contains all the docs to show how Dee - put the science in Shakespeare- and spiritual awaken generations to see the connection between ancient sacred geometry- and navigating our aura in the future- We are DELIGHTED Alan has agreed to come back and share more with us!!
End- 2018 course series- descriptions - intended to conclude JUST before our International European Events begin :
(previous) 2017 Free FractalU- Course Series- Conjuring the Immortal
All workshops take place SUNDAYS at 2PM - NEW YORK time- format generally 90 min. presentation with visuals-+ 30 min. open discussion.
>>>>> Registration-for all courses : - (listings were just updated)
This 2017 course series is all FREE.
Third workshop: changed to Feb 12- Sun. 2PM New York time: (with Theresa and Allan 'Through the Veil' in 2nd part... Visualizing the Conjugate/ Longitudinal - Wave Science for Ritual / Magic / Bliss - "Making the EL"-phase shift - Download here the PDF Image set for this course: FlameinMindFractalU.pdf The central 'only path out of chaos' negentropic wave science we have discovered shows that The mechanism is that the transverse (up and down) - EMF wave 'translates its vorticity' as it travels down the (phase conjugating) golden spiral on the pine cone- then emerging without inertia loss- as a LONGITUDINAL EMF wave (compressional /back and forth) wave thru the planck sphere out the tip of the pine cone. We discuss this with wave animations at This longitudinal wave component- measureably goes faster than light ( by golden ratio multiples x C)- and can pass thru about anything. This very usefully introduces the wave physics of 'miracles' and the 'divine sciences' - and the "spiritual" 'spooky action at a distance' Einstein talked about. Longitudinal electromagnetics- are sometimes called 'scalar' or 'torsional'-we consider these terms less rigorous- since among other issues- a scalar vector has other meanings in physics. It is well documented ( Bearden et al.) that it is the longitudinal wave component which is most responsible for bioactive / healing / rejuvenation fields - hence plasma rejuvenation- we optimize at It is also a breakthrough to understand how conjugate longitudinal interferometry creates the 'action at a distance' / 'flame in the mind' / and remote plasma containment ( which is the holy grail of fusion research- the TRUE wave mechanics of alchemy- plasma implosion: In this course we particularly discuss how to practically apply these insights psychologically. Suppose you are studying how to lucid dream. You realize that moving your head on your pillow when you wake up from your dream- weakens your ability to remember- and hold together the wave shape of your dream memory. CASTING YOUR "DREAM SPELL": You begin to think that the dream memory is an actual electric field you do not want to disturb. You recall that dream coherence is an indicator of how much memory you will take with you when you die. Then you concieve that if you can track WITH YOUR ATTENTION- the wave fronts normally transverse- bobbing up and down - AS THEY GO DOWN THE SPIRAL PINECONE (over Dorothy's 'rainbow')- THAT THERE IS A WAY (making the 'EL' phase shift) TO NOW TRACK THE MUCH MORE RAPIDLY PROPAGATING WAVE FRONT NODES- AS THEY SPREAD OUT IN PERFECTED WAVE DISTRIBUTION- INTO THE CONJUGATE/ FRACTAL/ LONGITUDINAL FIELD. We see that there is a particular (fractal) field geometry which ALLOWS these wave fronts to propagate forever/ infinitely - IF they can enter this rose shaped FRACTAL FIELD ( see here - Star Mother Kit- infinite dodeca nest fractal stellation - ). The Gurdjieff's Sufi saint is the one who CAN make an echo sustain... How ritual makes the wind blow (implode): NOW - we apply this to how to accurately implement the 'hypercube' dodec symmetry of sacred alphabets (ophanim/ superset- Hebrew)- whose 'symbol as wave guide in the optical cortex' make the spiral path down into the implosion 'spell' - whose air pressure change .. blows the doors of the church.. The true sage does not get dizzy when the magnetism in the room- starts a wind that blows some away- as happened in the Turin Ophanim working lead by Alan and Teresa...
First workshop- Jan 22. 2pm New York time. Note Jan 23: course film up! (top) Click to download PDF - visuals for Dr Teresa Burns Course: Pentagramdrburns.pdf
First, this workshop will ask you to forget everything you think you know about Enochian. Great article to read for background -from Dr Theresa Burns: Historical detail about Shakespeare (Francis Garland) in John Dee's diaries- Kelley's real alchemy - and the dramas of their 'angel works' : -"Francis Garland, William Shakespeare, and John Dee’s Green Language" |
Second Workshop- Jan 29. 2pm New York time. DOWNLOAD SLIDE SHOW for Alan's course: CreatingChargingOphanicTemple.pdf Other supporting files for Alans course: EnochianKeys1to18.pdf ChargingElementalTablets2017.pdf This workshop is an overview of how to create the implements for an Enochian Temple space based on the axioms that the letters themselves serve as standing wave guides and the way they are grouped together to form particular energy forms can best be understood in terms of sacred geometry. Topics covered: 4) The “Pele” ring The four elemental tablets with a Black Cross aka Table of Union uniting them; with each elemental table divided into four sub-angles governed by a particular sigil. Within each table, letters form names related to particular functions. 7) The calls, used to charge to Great Table After a quick description, we’ll cover:
Alan Green - presenting "Dee-Coding Shakespeare" Feb 19,2017 - 2.5hrs By in-depth analysis of coherent and geometric pattern recognition, Alan Green reveals John Dee's cutting-edge scientific knowledge and cryptographic mastery as the revelation motor in the mystery of Shakespeare’s identity. This completely new information has profound implications that will surely restore Dee’s maligned reputation from the dustbin of history to the pinnacle of respect and awe we all know he rightfully deserves.
Green has worked in seclusion for twelve years to bring the world a previously unsuspected side to the Enochian Tables as Rosetta Stone, unpacking an amazing spiritual science hidden deep within the Shakespeare subterfuge. By matching the 624 Enochian squares to the 624 characters of Shakespeare’s Gravestone, Monument, and Sonnets Dedication, Green reveals Dee and “Shakespeare” to be the mathematical / poetical / spiritual polymaths of the Age!
In a stunning tour de force you will witness how Dee has embedded twelve of the world’s most significant math constants (AND the precise geographical coordinates of the Great Pyramid!) into the innocent-looking punctuation of the Sonnets title page. Shakespeare states emphatically in Sonnet 121: “I AM THAT I AM”. Green reveals, for the first time, how the poet got away with printing such a statement which, at the time, would have been viewed as outright blasphemy, punishable by prolonged torture and death. There's more than a historical blockbuster here — there are ultimately the questions of BEING/BECOMING immortal by knowing the real wave science. Hence
Film here:
SNEAK PREVIEW! - exciting upcoming classes just added to Dan Winter === Fractal Field Physics for Beginners
You Tube Film Version: (less the chat window):
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Click to download Tufan Guven- Course PDF Visuals here ( or use the Google DOCS version here)
Sunday March 5, 2017 - 2PM New York time.
Starchitecture : Alphabet of the Ark
with Grayham Forscutt :Cosmo-Geneticist, Starchitect and sub-Planck Phase Space Explorer. - see
Click here to play 2 hour course FILM from Grayham Forscutt with Dan Winter- recorded March 5, 2017 at
Click here to download the amazing PDF graphics for Grayham Forscutt FractalU Class: FractalUGrayhamF.pdf
While golden ratio quasicrystal structures are known as the best Space Station architecture, fractality reveals they offer optimal plasma membranes for plasma based life forms (angels - ascended collectives - Ophanim - Sphere + Guardian Alliance).
Yet knowing this intuitively didn’t satisfy me-i sought to prove it via the information provided in negentropic physics.
Golden quasicrystals are built up from phi ratio tetrahedral (voxels) building blocks.
Providing a ‘quantizable fractal waveform language’, or golden harmonic braiding index.
Modelling that directly accounts for a number of recursive structures operating in multiple quasicrystalline spin networks.
Golden Ratio recursive structures include :-
1: a ‘geometric pine cone torus’, nesting inside the Triacontahedron
2: a unique volumetric phi spiral vector
3: a series of phi ratio scaled helical longitudinal waves
4: clusters of structures related to centre by phi recursion
Golden ratio compression fractality, modelled by phi scaled golden structures gives us a better handle on :-
a: thoughtform based plasma construction
b: enhances our ability to navigate through the Planck scale to the sub-Planck superluminal scale
c: provides the shape of the electrodynamic wave that propels ‘D.N.A.’ as ‘volumetric-information’ superluminally.
d: shows how D.N.A. is restored at the destination via perfect mirror reflection symmetry/memory - meaning the destination object will be the same as the original.
Sunday March 12, 2PM NY time:
author - James Alan Egan - author of Squaring the Circle -on John Dee and Shakespeare- (and a thanks to Teresa Burns)
Film link: John Dee, Shakespeare, Rode(Rose)Island- A Consuming Perspective
with James Egan and Dan Winter- - 2+ hour- filmed March 12, 2017
To study CONJURING (conjugation?) John Dee studied 'scintillia' light SCINTILLATION...
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Welcome, curious minds and John Dee enthusiasts.
Quick bio and intro -For thirty-five years I was a professional photographer in Providence, Rhode Island. Living in rural town of Foster, I became fascinated by the stonework in the woods near my house. To learn more about these stone chambers, stone walls, and cairn fields, I joined the New England Antiquities Research Association, a group of amateur historians who study lithic structures across the whole Northeast. One of the most unusual structures we studied was the 28-foot-tall stone-and-mortar tower that stands in Touro Park, in the heart of Newport, Rhode Island.
Over the years, there have been many theories about who built it: the Vikings in 1150, the Templars in 1398, the Chinese in 1421, the Portuguese in 1501, and the main theory is that it was a windmill built by the first Governor of Rhode Island in the 1660s. But none of these theories rang true for me. In the early 1990s, fellow NEARA member William Penhallow, Professor of Astronomy and Physics at the University of Rhode Island, found several astronomical alignments in the windows of the tower. One pair of windows is aligned with the sun at sunrise on the winter solstice. Another pair is aligned with the full moon at Lunar Minor, an event that happens once every 18.6 years. And another pair is aligned with the bright star Dubhe, in the bowl of the Big Dipper, which points to the North Star, Polaris.
Dee River of 1583
One day I was browsing the stacks of the local historical society and came across a 1956 book entitled Newport Begins. I was quite surprised to see that author Lloyd Robson wrote that, in 1583, Narragansett Bay was called the “John Dee River and Port.”In 1934, William Goodwin of Connecticut had journeyed to London and found a 1583 deed in the Elizabethan State Papers stating the bay was “called by John Dee, the Dee River.” In 1970, historian David Beers Quinn, in England and the Discovery of America confirms the “Dee River” refers to Narragansett Bay.
Digging further, I found that Narragansett Bay was the site of the first Elizabethan colonization effort in the year 1583. John Dee had written eight books convincing Queen Elizabeth she had a legal right to North America, and she had deeded it to one of he bravest courtiers, Sir Humphrey Gilbert. On the summer solstice of 1583, Gilbert left England with five ships and 260 men, destined for the Dee River. Unfortunately, on the voyage they hit a hurricane. Gilbert’s ship got swallowed by a huge wave and he drowned. So he couldn’t have built the Tower. However, Quinn found that a year earlier, in 1582, Gilbert had sent a preliminary expedition that stayed in the New World for at least nine months.
I claim this mission, with two ships and about 80 men, under the leadership of Anthony Brigham, built the tower to be the city-center of this first colony. But they abandoned it when Sir Humphrey Gilbert failed to show up. John Dee was not only the architect entire colonization effort, I claim he was also the architect of the tower. (Incidentally, a year later, the Queen deeded all of North America to Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s younger half-brother, Sir Walter Raleigh. But Raleigh decided to send his three missions, in 1584, 1585, and 1587, to Roanoke Island in what is now North Carolina, where there was a longer season for growing tobacco.)
Dee and 252
Besides having a library of 4000 books and manuscripts, John Dee was the author of over 40 texts. Reading his “Preface” to the first English translation of Euclid’s Elements provides insights into Dee’s interdisciplinary mind. He astutely describes over twenty “Arts and Sciences,” like “Perspective, Astronomy, Music, and Astrology,” which he calls “Derivative Arts.” He says they derive from the two “Principal Arts: Geometry and Arithmetic.” Dee claims “Number” has one foot in the natural world and one in the supernatural world.
Dee’s 1558 Propadeumata Aphoristica consists of 120 “Preparatory Aphorisms” on astronomy, astrology and his mathematical cosmology. 2520 days, or “seven years” later, Dee published his most cherished work, his 1564 Monas Hieroglyphica, or “Sacred Symbol of Oneness.” Over the years, several translations have been made, but they all sounded rather confounding. So I decided to make my own. With the help of a Latin translator, I went through Dee’s 24 Theorems, which are essentially a series of riddles cryptically expressing his mathematical cosmology. Some historians see Dee’s work as an alchemy book, with some mathematics thrown in. But I came to see it as a book of mathematics, written in alchemical language.
Dee uses his “Monas Symbol,” made from points, lines, and circles, as a sort of visual-rhetorical-device. He turns it upside-down and breaks apart in various ways. In one theorem, he gives a precise geometric description, warning that if the parts are not in the exact proportions he prescribes, the whole symbol loses its power. At the end, next to his summarizing “Thus the World Was Created” chart, is a flow chart in which he says there are “Fixed Limits” in the realm of number. And he boils the whole thing down to one number, the “Magisterial Number: 252.”
Dee and Bucky
Googling around, I found that Buckminster Fuller extolled the virtues of 252 in his compendium of wisdom, Synergetics. I soon realized that what Bucky had discovered about geometry and number in the 1900s, was the same thing that John Dee had discovered about geometry and number in the 1500s. And furthermore, the Monas Symbol was the hidden blueprint for what I call the John Dee Tower 1583, that still stands in Touro Park, Newport. In short, Dee’s book, his Monas Symbol, and his tower are all versions of the same thing: his mathematical cosmology.
Over the last decade, I have written 20 books on the Tower’s history and have become the curator of the Newport Tower Museum at 152 Mill Street, just 50 steps northeast of the Tower. Plunging even deeper into Elizabethan history, I reread The Tempest and recognized parallels between Shakespeare’s play and the Elizabethan colonization effort of 1583. Even encyclopedia articles will tell you John Dee was the most likely inspiration for the main character, Prospero. My thesis that is that each of the characters in The Tempest represents an actual person involved in the Elizabethan Colonization effort of 1583. (Which ended abruptly when Sir Humphrey Gilbert drowned. In a tempest.)
Something for everyone In short, this is an interdisciplinary story that involves astronomy, architecture, geometry, arithmetic, optics, and horology, the art of keeping time. As a Renaissance man, John Dee was fascinated by all these subjects. And he discovered they all embodied the same principle: coincidentia oppositorum, or the union of opposites. Though most of my work involves the pre-1583 John Dee, it’s certain to provide many clues to those interested in the more spiritual, post-1583 John Dee. He might have changed his focus from academic to angelic, but he was still the same man — the perspicacious John Dee.
Sunday March 19:
Global Synchronized Theraphi healing meditation- and - plasma rejuvenation: conversation with Theraphists!
=== - from Dan Winter, Implosion Group, and the team: Course Format- All Courses are 2 hours, Consisting of 90 min. of presentation -with visuals/ interactive, followed by flexible 30 min. of discussion Course Time: Each Course Meets on Sunday at 2pm New York (EST) Time Note - for this course series - each course meets only once. General Course Registration is at State-of-the-Art Interactive Online Visual Learning! |
Aug 28- 2PM EST- itHRVE- HRV Heart Biofeedback- Coherence / Stress / Sacral Cranial Measurement- with Patrick Botte - Programmer and Sacral Cranial Expert- Moderated with Dan Winter Register Direct at: |
Sept 4 - 2PM EST- Alchemy- Plasma Fusion - Wave Physics- vs Human ONENESS Experience- with Dan Winter - at - - we are working deeply to make the specific connection between actual ALCHEMY / Isotope Tranisition Physics- vs Cold Fusion- vs- the actual geometric science of creating GROUP ONENESS EXPERIENCE (literally plasma fusion). We use John Dee's HYPERCUBE design - widely thought to be the template for Shakespeare's (alchemic) theater- and the Conjugate Opposing PAIRS OF EMOTIONS and SCENES in theater- to describe how the whole theater at the end of the play experience's a group identity FEELING FOR ALL- as if they were one with each character. The actual plasma physics of cold fusion and isotope /charge collapse- is precisely the physics of alchemy, of tantra and the alchemy of human oneness. Register Direct at: |
Sept 11 - 2PM EST - Profound Atomic Geometrics- Perfecting Charge Collapse- in the ATOM- New Full Unifying Geometry of Proton vs Electron- Mass Ratio- with Mark Rohrbaugh (Moderated with Dan Winter) - More on Mark Rohrbaugh - see and especially his blog: Mark connects the work of Nassim with Golden Ratio phase conjugation- and atomic physics. Mark is a professional in advanced high end solid state electronics as well. Register Direct at:
Sept 18 - 2PM EST - The True Esoteric History of -Shakespeare- John Dee- and Alchemy- with Teresa Burns - ( google: jwmt teresa burns ) Deep evidence Shakespeare was trained with Dee & Kelley in Prague (as Francis Garland)- WHY the plays are alchemic- and about Dee's Heptagonal Working - planned for a year 'The Tempest' storm that took out the Spanish Armada. - More background: Register Direct at: |
Sept 25 - 2PM EST - Practical Hands on ALCHEMY with Paul Harris- Plasma Expert - Alchemist and Fusion Scientist ( and co-Creator of Theraphi). Real isotope tranisition / alchemy science and plasma fusion - physics- combined with Paul's extensive knowledge and teaching of the ancient practice and history of ALCHEMY. - More on Paul: Register Direct at: |
Oct 2 - 2PM EST - CALLING ALL ANGELS- Science of Ophanim / Enochian (and Golden Dawn) - Angelic Rituals with Alan Moore - Clairvoyant - and Technologist of Cermonial Magic- accompanied by his partner Teresa Burns- (professor and historical expert - see above). Alan is a profound leader of very specific - John Dee inspired- Ophanic - Ritual ( see ) Register Direct at: |
Oct 9 - 2PM EST - THERAPHI- plasma healing and rejuvenation field science- with Theraphi co-creators Paul Harris and Dan Winter. We discuss the global impact and amazing early success of their PRIORE based plasma healing system ( , , , ). We include practical discussion about applying phase conjugate plasma science to real healing situations- questions and discussion. We also invite several key Theraphi center leaders and practitioners from around the world- should be a most stimulating session. Register Direct at: |
Oct 16 - 2PM EST - IMPLOSION- Water Science - history and development of IMPLOSION SCIENCE- for growth and healing - and with Dan Winter- Includes the synergy now being practiced using Superimploder and recirculated healing water- in Spa environment - ( ) - special guest- his schedule permitting: Peter Van Den Niewenhauzen of Belgium Theraphi Healing and spa center -
Register Direct at: |
Fractal U: THE Fractal Field University - with latest conference films up-to celebrate launching-and announce our themes in association with
Sponsored by - Dan Winter - and Implosion Group - - THE place the learn the science and universe sweeping broad practical applications of the new fractal field sciences
- like
Inexpensive- highly interactive- real telepresence into your space- your questions answered- media rich!
We have the world's most compelling teaching team and state of the art- teaching environment- right here- to learn the real new physics AND new physics of consciousness.
Course Registration:
Fractal Field- Implosion Group - with Dan Winter and our Fractal U - Teaching Team.
Original Courses:
StateOfTheArt- Fractal Science Online Education |
Rejuvenation Plasma Healing Conjugate Field/ (Priore): |
Worlds Most Powerful & Most Proven Growth Water Treatment: |
Preview:Most Powerful & Exciting IOS Heart BiofeedbackAppEVER! |
All Our BIOACTIVE Field Projects |
Implosion Group recent FractalU courses Dan Winter -YouTube Channel: |
Fractal Field / Implosion Group main blog site: |
Dan Winter's New Book: Fractal SpaceTime: Origin Negentropy |
Einstein:the solution to infinite non-destructive (charge)compression IS the unified field. ..So- if perfect compression is the solution to virtually every science problems in history: gravity, alchemy, fusion, urban design, computers.. the physics of human (peak)perception/bliss.. the list goes on - THEN what does it mean that we have just proven the (fractality perfected) wave mechanics showing that golden ratio IS the solution to perfect (charge) compression? Fractal Space Time: Origin of Negentropy - by Daniel Winter- 212p. Edition 2, Dec 2015- Scientific Abstract: Originally Dan Winter's team ( , ) wave equations proved golden ratio wave mechanics optimizes constructive wave interference, compression and therefore phase conjugation ( ). Then Dan Winter discovered that integer exponents of golden ratio phase conjugation ( perfect fractality )- times planck length and time (musical 'key signature' of matter) - dramatically predicted: 1. Hydrogen Radii ( ) , 2. Exact frequencies of photosynthesis ( ) , 3. Exact duration of the Earth year and venus year ( ) , 4. Virtually exact frequencies of the SCHUMANN HARMONICS and (peak perception) BRAINWAVE HARMONICS ( ) , 5. Exact frequencies of ADP (/ATP), 6. Exact frequencies of MAYER WAVE of Blood Pressure/ HRV LF and HF , and Spine liquid pump. Dan Winter calls this phenomenon: Perfected PHASE CONJUGATE NEGENTROPIC CHARGE COLLAPSE - and thus presents evidence this perfected 3D wave fractality- is the electrical CAUSE of LIFE FORCE/Rejuvenation and a) Negentropy, b) Gravity, c) Perception, d) Color and e) All Centripetal (Implosive) Forces. Winter's original successful water implosion for growth - invention - used his Hydrogen geometry equations- ( for hydrolysis : ) and more recently - Dan Winter built exactly these frequencies into Perfected Negentropy Rejuvenation Plasma System ( aka Priore )- in - which is now rapidly proving his negentropy for biology hypothesis. |
Real Fractal Physics.. : Animation of Phase Conjugation- Literally The GRAIL:
the proven geometry of hydrogen, DNA, Earth grid, Black Holes.. and the Universe
-and Living Plasma- Creating PERCEPTION
-Dan Winter's new equation proving this phase conjugate geometry is the CAUSE of gravity:
-Dan Winter's new plasma tech- proving this equation was the Priore principle- a proven cancer solution:
Wave mechanics quantized by planck (time/length sphere dimension)- is agreed by all
- BUT because conventional quantum mechanics fails to know how conjugate/ golden ratio / naturally centripetal & self organizing FRACTAL fields work
(scaled to planck by exactly golden ratio multiples: Dan Winter's new equation)
- means that- quantum mechanics so far is totally clueless about :
1) why objects fall to the ground,
2) the cause of any centripetal force- or cause of negentropy or cause of life or cause of color or cause of consciousness/perception .
Fractal / phase-conjugate physics has very clear answers- ( )- which then enable us to CHOOSE the path out of chaos into self-organization - for example if we KNOW the schumann resonance harmonics are very nearly a perfect negentropic phase conjugate collapse pump wave- (THE way gaia becomes self-organizing) - THEN we can emerge from chaos as a planet- by optimizing that wave form!
Plus - it turns out the exact same frequency signature is key to the brainwave signature of human bliss/peak perception
- AND signature of the ultimate bioactive / healing field effect!
Below: Dan Winter's 3D animation of the actual golden ratio phase conjugate wave mechanics which embed the proton fractally in hydrogen electron shells:
Here we launch our themes with the Latest International Media Conferences with Dan Winter:
New 9/27/2015- 1 hr
New 2015: Alchemic Science of Energy:Dan Winter at Global Breakthru-Energy Movement
Inner Physics of Alchemy: Dan Winter at LA 5D Conference Sept 2015
Fire In Blood:Alchemy and Ignition of Blood-Ancient and Modern with Dan Winter talk 2, in St Remy, France -
Fractal University: Research Center: NSW, Australia - Contacts: info (at) , Skype: danwinter , US Phone 310 651 8123 (time zone Paris)
Courses Begin: November 2015
Interactive Online Instruction- curriculum-
with Dan Winter
and introducing our Fractal U Team Teachers-
Sara Torres : Shamanism Healing and Science - Applied Practice- (
Mark Rohrbaugh: Advanced Geometric Physics Solutions and -
Barry Carter: Science and Use of Monoatomics
Lyz Starwalker: Shamanism- and Advanced Physics
Lou DeBourbon: Caressing the Facets of the Diamond: The Real Tai Chi of Proprioception- Kinesthetic -Embedding the Octa/Cube of your Space (
Paul Harris: Hands on Science and Practice of Alchemy - and Plasma / Plant Healing
Michael Rice: Biologic Architecture- Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Shamanism.
This is state of the art- better than classroom presence- interactive education.
You will see media, animations, powerpoints- all the documents and graphics in Fractal Physics- you wanted explained.
In addition to live questions ( attendees can choose if they want to share their web cam - while asking questions)- also the speakers are watching your chat typed questions during the presentation- for fast response. So on topic questions during the talk are very real-time- plus time is set aside at the end of the talk ( last 30 minutes optional)- for wider ranging discussion/ dialog.
Each course is offered on a rotating basis as follows:
Each course is a 2 hour event -with questions that may last to 2.5 hours total.
Each course is repeated about once every 2 months.
Cost - you pay 10 euro to join each individual course topic- (1 session of 2.5 hours)-
When you pay 10 euro to join that topic- presentation- in addition you are invited to join for free the follow up session(s)
for that course topic which will recur about 2 months later on the same topic (the next time the same subject is presented- increasingly advanced insights are expected)
PLUS - you receive free- other benefits of membership in FractalU - to be announced- including:
1. The confidential link for the complete color pdf of Dan Winter's new book
2. Newsletter / subscription- membership - Dan Winter blog - including :
3. Private membership in Fractal Field/Implosion Group- which includes
our demonstrators discount: for *Imploder Products- , *Star Mother Kit: , *DVDs set: ,
and special invites to our demos including plasma rejuvenation invites:
Important note - when you register for your course- with free signup at
- afterwards- check your account for messages there- to receive your welcome registration letter- and details for your bonus items- included above.
Live Link (Clicking on the live link- takes you directly to that course registration page at )
- Course Announcements:(Details Below)
Each Courses is 2 hours + 30 min-discussion / questions- total 150 minutes- courses are Weekends- Sat or Sun - at 2PM - New York Time-
First set: November+December 2015, Repeating Jan and Feb 2016- All Online with state of the art software - media- presence and live interactivity with students.
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Published here in collaboration with Dan Winter -
- NEW COURSE- announcement 2 hours with Dr Elsheikh- course presentation at FractalU (more below)-
Sunday March 6, 2016 at 2PM New York time.
Registration direct at:
When you register you will receive an information pack - which also includes your special offer bonus information (as mentioned above: including discounts to - DVD's - Star Mother Kit - invite to experience). That will also include your complimentary confidential link to Dan Winter's new book- complete color PDF document. In addition- much of each course material- is introduced in the detailed web links included in the course outline. It is suggested you review some of the key info in the book and / or web link(s)- as announced in your course outline- ahead of time- particularly with a view to noting down a few questions - so that you will feel dynamically included in the class. These web articles ( etc) - have some of the most advanced information about new physics- and the science of consciousness- so it is quite natural that you should have questions. This is your opportunity- to get real in depth dialog- with your evolution of understanding at the focus. Time is provided during the 2 hour class for your questions (focused on the subject)- then especially after the class- the last half hour is intended for more wide ranging discussion- open to your more extended interests. A recording is made of your class- to which you will have access. In addition - when your class subject repeats about 2 months later (see the schedule) - you are invited to repeat your class for no additional cost - since more refinements are intended as the class evolves. In order to facilitate your free repeat class- in your chosen subject- you will receive a discount code- for the second session of that class. Of course new registrants are also invited to the repeat sessions of each class subject. We expect to constantly add to our classes and exciting faculty of science and consciousness experts- so stay tuned. State of the art- interactive online learning with real in depth support for visuals and dialog - is clearly the education of the future. Combining that with world leaders- in science and consciousness- is our mission. Thanks for your dedicated interest- from Dan Winter and our whole faculty at |
Note added Nov 30, 2015 - Complete set of ALL the online course recordings- to date
(6 each of 250 minute films- til now) -at top:
New Nov 2,2015: 160 Minutes Video-"Fractal Field Physics" Dan Winter's clearest explanation- Launch Class from LAUNCH CLASS FILM (160min.HD video- top at link) from FractalU- FRACTAL FIELD PHYSICS-Complete Intro Outline -New Film -Dan Winter's best explication to date: How Fractal/Conjugate wave mechanics causes gravity, color, and perception - How Waves systems emerge from chaos.. We may not share all the class films- this launch day film is shared- to give you a great taste.. of state of the art- online learning AND- the real solid poop on how Fractal Field Physics- launches a true revolution in understanding the role of mind/embedding toroids of plasma- in a UNIFIED FIELD.. (and what is the unified field MADE of..)
Update Nov 8, 2015-Advanced Fractal Physics Class Recording Nov 8 2015 140 Minutes
Video Recording: at (top)
Includes- Intro to Plasma Projection- the Shamans science with Sara - see
The Original Fractal Physics course and film:
Intro to Mark's Pure Geometric Physics Solutions:
Update Nov.15, 2015: from - The Bioactive Field Science- Course Complete Film 150 Min.
New Nov 22, 2015: Play the film 245 minutes- Plasma Rejuvenation Science from Tesla to Lakhovsky to Priore to THERAPHI- course/conference from
Courses with Dan Winter - - - - -
(The Dan Winter courses are all Sundays at 2 EST NY time- except Shamanic Control of Space- Saturday Dec 5)
- Fractal Field Physics -
- Course Dates : Nov. 1, 2015 - & Jan. 3, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time -Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
Register At:
1. How Fractal Field physics was discovered.
2. Why is there a frequency key signature that defines fractality in space in time.
3. How does that re-invent understanding the cause of gravity, the cause of negentropic and centripetal forces.
4. Review of the book(intro link): (Note: Dan's new book- core of this course- complete color pdf -will be sent to each registrant)
5. Review of the key physics article- fractal field- and the cause of gravity:
6. Review of the key wave mechanics- wave equations:
7. Physical implications- of restored negentropy in ANY system using new equation of self-organization- examples:
a)applied to optimizing photosynthesis -
b) applied to restoring negentropy in the Earth grid - including gravity/atmosphere and climate stabilization- since now we know how to FIX the Schumann Earth harmonics- to be an even more perfect NEGENTROPIC PHASE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE
Advanced Phase Conjugate Fractal Physics -
Course Dates : Nov. 8, 2015 - & Jan. 10, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time -Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
Register At:
- this course will be co-taught be partner physics investigator Mark Rohrbaugh-
See - links and the course intro- which is
1. How and why Dan's work, Mark's work and Nassim's work ALL begin with a sphere of dimension Planck length and time.
2. The wave mechanic physics role of Golden Mean Ratio as solution to constructive interference/ compression in Dan Winter's work, as the solution to Global Scaling- with Nassim and the Global Scaling movement.
3. Golden Mean ratio in wave equations.
4. The background and significance to Mark's new breakthru equation for the ratio of proton to electron mass- which starts with Nassim's Schwartzschield proton - and proves- protons exist BECAUSE they are conjugate embedded in electron shells. (A 'fractal field')
5. HOW this new radical equation for the pure fractal geometry of proton to electron ratio- in the process- is proof- or strong evidence for Dan Winter's phase conjugate models of gravity and negentropy.
6. Long term implications for the physics community of this new physics of perfected geometric embedding / fractality / phase conjugation- in understanding current mysteries in physics. For example: can the multiple connectedness faster than light speed in the double slit experiment - Bell's theorem be explained because phase conjugate longitudinal waves - the so called FLAME IN THE MIND- are faster than light- and perfect plasma containment- the 'holy grail of plasma fusion'.
7. "Star Wars" like implication of new gravity tech. based on conjugation: - ('Impulse Power' see hydraulic propulsion pdf, 'Warp Thrust' see Kowsky Frost/Crystal Propulsion pdf )
8. Fusion Physics vs. phase conjugate interferometry: holy grail- of cold fusion:
BioActive/Living Electric Fields:Commercial Applications of FRACTAL FIELD Physics
- Course Dates : Nov. 15, 2015 - & Jan. 17, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time -Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
Register At:
a) plasma rejuvenation /healing / seed treatment / and Kundalini - bliss trigger / stem cell switch - and shamanic stargate?
b) - Implosion science for water, agriculture and health
c) - applying implosion for radical healing in spa technology
d) bioactive glass
e) bioactive cement-
f) intro to bioactive field architecture -
The quintessential new information:
All biology remains alive to the extent it's electric/magnetic field is centripetal.
That's what holds it together. That's what allows a seed to attract it's first nutrient: life or death.
This is why centripetal (conjugate / fractal-therefore NEGENTROPIC ) electric/magnetic fields accelerate life /and heal living systems.Designing and maintaining life- giving centripetal / conjugate / fractal fields- is the essence of the Hermetic project- where the caducceus IS phase conjugation.
It was the difference between life and death- the design of dolmenic bio-active fields - for the ancients this was called 'raising a SHEM'.
It was the turning point in the evolution of civilization- the design of life giving, healing, age regressing charge fields.
This is more than ever true today- as we learn how the geopathic non-centripetal fields of our modern non-fractal geopathic buildings- are killing us.
Advanced plasma healing concepts: in depth
Register At:
- Course Dates : Nov. 22, 2015 - & Jan. 24, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time -Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
More clinical understanding of the PRIORE plasma healing work we developed into our Theraphi. This course will be co-taught with our plasma specialist Paul.
HOW plasma healing - is also a kundalini/bliss trigger potentially, and a seed treatment pulse, and a stem cell switch- and even a shaman portal.
Biologic Architecture: The deep science
Register At:
- Course Dates : Nov. 29, 2015 - & Jan. 31, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time -Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
In depth review of the electrical principles of Biologic Architecture-
-as we have developed the curriculum (extensive graphics) now used in countries around the world
( notably: in Mexico , also acknowledgement to Michael Rice:
- how architecture is reinvented now that we know what electric field accelerates all life ( example our: )
Intro to practical applications and to our partners around the world in this curriculum - including Olda in Prague:
The Shamanic control / embedding in space. Physics of Magic. Spiritual healing from Shamanic Science: - co presented with Sara - see:
- Course Dates : Dec. 5, 2015 - & Feb 6, 2016 - Saturday 2pm EST/NY Time -Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
Includes background in how shamans steer tornados (
Introduction to Sara's shamanic healing work - and background in S.American deep shaman healing tradition
Also introduction to Dan's work with Angelic science and communication:
How spells are created- even on a planet wide basis (Dee and alchemy and more)
- How each Hebrew/Sanskrit alphabet letter- toroid plasma shadowgram- is in fact a propulsion vector to steer your aura- plasma projection- IN toward a phase conjugate center- MAKING centripetal force.. casting the 'spell': graphic intro: , original sacred alphabet animations:
The SCIENCE of Bliss / Ecstacy and Peak Experience / Peak Perception.
Register At:
- Course Dates : Dec. 6, 2015 - & Feb 7, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time-Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
1. Biofeedback measurements: EEG / EKG - history of golden ratio in brainwaves measurements of peak perception (
2. Breakthru physics of a deep phase conjugate model of the cause of consicousness and (peak) perception:
2. How and why bliss is a biologic necessity for immune health- ( ) - and taking memory through death
( )
3. Bliss science applied to a deep understanding of the biomechanics of kundalini :
Heart Coherence, HRV and the Breath- Wave Mechanics and Biofeedback application
Register At:
- Course Dates : Dec. 13, 2015 - & Feb 14, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time -Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
1. History of my discovery of heart coherence:
2. The story of my Heart Tuner - most powerful heart coherence trainer- invention:
3. Our existing HRV/ Breath entrainment and empathy trainer- for iPhone-
4. Dramatic next version of our Heart biofeedback iPhone- will include real sacral cranial pulse monitoring / biofeedback- real bliss pump: intro at :
The PRACTICE of Bliss- Hygiene/ Yoga / Diet / Environment / Movement:
Register At:
- Course Dates : Dec. 20, 2015 - & Feb 21, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time- Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
This class is designed to update and assemble the best of all we have learned about practical lifestyle and hygiene discipline- to acheive real bliss experience.
We started this dialog in our early book: Secret Science of Ecstacy and Immortality.
Includes : diet suggestions, yoga/movement discipline suggestions / environment - feng shui suggestions , and suggestions for psyche of discovering how to think only shareable thoughts.
The serious ET history of religion and biology on Earth
Register At:
- Course Dates : Dec. 27, 2015 - & Feb 28, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time -Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
Includes - ET / Annunaki politics and blood chemistry
( ) -
Introduction to our collaboration with Gerry Zeitlin and Anton Parks:
Story of our work with Alex Collier, Morningsky and others.
Courses with Fractal U -Teaching Team:
Mark Rohrbaugh: Advanced Geometric Physics Solutions: Protons exist EMBEDDED in Electrons-
New physics evidence- for conjugate solutions- fractality.
Updated Nov 14, 2015: New Recording-top film at:
Advanced Geometric Physics with Mark Rohrbaugh and Dan Winter- course film 140 minutes:
recording refers to Keshe update project- at the end- see also:
also-at the film conclusion- discussion of Phase Conjugate Wave mechanics of propulsion- equations in pdfs at
Mark's Advanced Course- NEW PDF Outline Complete- Nov 8,2015 |
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Mark's blog: -
Mark's work featured with Dan Winter on Phase Conjugate Gravity Physics:
- Course Dates : Nov. 14, 2015 - & Jan. 16, 2016 - Saturday 2pm EST/NY Time -Note 2pm NY Time - is correct- please adjust your local time for Daylight Savings
Register At:
Click here to download this ADVANCED GEOMETRIC PHYSICS SOLUTIONS- course outline in PowerPoint: Advanced_Geometric_Physics.pptx
Coming soon- courses with our Implosion Group- Fractal U - teaching team - including:
Barry Carter: Science and Use of Monoatomics
Lyz Starwalker: Shamanism- and Advanced Physics
Lou DeBourbon: Caressing the Facets of the Diamond: The Real Tai Chi of Proprioception- Kinesthetic -Embedding the Octa/Cube of your Space (
Paul Harris: Hands on Science and Practice of Alchemy - and Plasma / Plant Healing
Michael Rice: Biologic Architecture- Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Shamanism.
- Original Course- announcement 2 hours with Dr Elsheikh- course presentation at FractalU (more below)-
Sunday March 6, 2016 at 2PM New York time.
Registration direct at:
Sunday March 20, 2016 at 2PM New York time.
(exerpt here from:)
Published here in collaboration with Dan Winter -
- coming soon.. Dr Elsheikh- course presentation at our new Fractal Online University -
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Discovery of life organizing principle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
E.M. Elsheikh
Biographical note
of the Secret of Life.
of human Nature.
Position: Independent
Field: Quantum
information fractal biology + Faeeliya Analysis
Degree: M.Sc.
Phone: 00249909716299
New Oct 2015: TWO New PDF Papers from Dr Elsheikh - click on the exerpt here to download the full PDF
- and also:
Brief Biographical Note:
Elsheikh Mohamed Elsheikh holds M.Sc in
applied mathematics, University of Khartoum, Sudan. Elsheikh held the position
of head of the department of math., faculty of science, Altahadi university,
Serit, Libya, for more than ten years 1998 - 2009. Elsheikh served as Executive
Secretary for Sudan National Academy of Science, 2010-2011. Khartoum, Sudan. In
August 2010 Elsheikh had been invited for a reception by Elsevier and the Publisher of Environmental
Science and Ecology, during Ecological Society of America 95th Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, in appreciation to his contribution “ Towards a new
physical theory of biotic evolution and development”.
Elsheikh is self-taught researcher, in his spare time, for more than four decades, has been dedicated to found and develop Quantum Information Fractal Biology and Faeeliya Analysis. Elsheikh wrote numerous articles covering a wide range from quantum mechanics to literature based on his new discoveries. |
The secret of life is that
the genome is a self-replicating quantum information fractal field which
generates bio-information oscillations.
The bio-information oscillations
are represented by a generalized Schrodinger type of system, which is life
organizing fractal principle.
Biological evolution is
goal directed to maximize total vitality (Faeeliya).